
Humanity Welfare Organization Helpline is a not-to-profit, registered charitable trust with a motto enabling service to humanity. It has been working for the holistic development of persons with physical disabilities, with an emphasis on visually challenged people, focused to create equal opportunity and to integrate these special people into the mainstream society; to live a normal life with the use of technology and scientific devises/aids & appliances.

Humanity Welfare Organization Helpline established in 2003. Since establishment Humanity Welfare Organization Helpline is always keen and kind enough in providing humanitarian services and support to the needy blind people in the society such as of financial aid, medical aid, educational aid, provision of free food grains, clothes and other items etc. The Association always tries its level best for the socio-economic welfare of the blind either by searching jobs for them or by assisting for their self employment by providing vending stalls, telephone booths etc.

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