About Us > History

Javed Ahmad Tak

Humanity Welfare organization came into existence when a young boy, Javed Ahmad Tak, became victim of armed conflict in Kashmir. A single bullet hit in his spine changed his life. Javed can't walk. He is wheelchair bound. The boy didn't give up but started his dependent life in independent way.

At first instant the boy started to provide free education to poor orphans physically challenged and other students belonging to other under privileged classes. His continuous efforts and struggle made it possible to form an organization, with those students, who sought free tuition from him. The unorganized people formed a group with the intention to serve poor children.

The group started collecting used books, uniform, stationary items. Finally the group became concerned about the disability issues as their guide or the founder chairman is a spinal injured person and started fighting for the protection of the rights of disabled. The amount of Rs 75000/-, he received as ex-gratia relief from the government, against his disability was spent on the first activities of the organization.

Humanity Welfare Organisation Helpline is a non-profit organization-established in the year 2003, registered with the Registrar of Societies, Government of Jammu and Kashmir, under J&K State Societies Registration Act-VI of 1998(1941A.D) vide Registration No.4346-S of  2003, The Organisation is  also registered   under section 12AA and 80G with the Department of Income Tax Government of India and Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010, (FCRA) Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India. Our unique ID on the Government of India NGO Portal is JK/2010/0029655. Humanity Welfare Organisation Helpline is registered with Department of Social Welfare.

Humanity Welfare organization came into existence when a young boy became victim of armed conflict in Kashmir. A single bullet hit in his spine changed his life. Javed can't walk. He is wheelchair bound. The boy didn't give up but started his dependent life in independent way. At first instant the boy started to provide free education to poor orphans physically challenged and other students belonging to other under privileged classes. His continuous efforts and struggle made it possible to form an organization, with those students, who sought free tuitions from him. The unorganized people formed a group with the intention to serve poor children. The group started collecting used books, uniform, stationary items. Finally the group became concerned about the disability issues as their guide or the founder chairman is a spinal injured person and started fighting for the protection of the rights of disabled. The amount of Rs 75000/=, he received as ex - gratia relief from the government, against his disability was spent on the first activities of the organization.

From the beginning the organisation has started its Humanity Welfare organisation Helpline has been advocating for the rights of persons with disabilities. The organisation has mandate to work at grass root level for educational delivery to children with disabilities. In addition the provision of free assistive and supportive devices like wheelchairs, hearing aids, crutches and sticks etc are distributed among the needy persons with disabilities especially school going children and vendors with disabilities. Our organisation works for the rehabilitation of persons with disabilities and provide relief facilities to the families having members with disabilities. Our organisation creates awareness among masses regarding the rights of persons with disabilities. Organize World Disability Day events on theme created by UN every year. Work in close coordination with National Disability network and become part of every thematic event like Passing of Disability Act, framing of rules, sending suggestions if demanded by MSJE or other ministries, Census for persons with disabilities. Facilitating persons with disabilities to seek trainings, admission and capacity building programmes through various national institutions and NGO's delivering the services to disable people. As everything is not in our hand, we collaborate with different organizations outside J&K state and organize programmes in the interest of development of persons with disabilities.

Our organisation has established a school under the name Zaiba Aapa Institute of Inclusive Education. Presently there are 100 children with different types of disabilities enrolled in the school. These children are given formal education through Braille for children with Blindness, sign language for the Hearing and speech disabled and activities of daily living training's for the children with mental disabilities. In addition physiotherapy and extra-curricular activities viz sports, music, craft and mobility training's are provided. 

Advocacy processes are being initiated if any discrimination arises against the aspirations of persons with disabilities. Various policy level decisions were taken by the state government to improve the quality of life of persons with disabilities as our organisation advocated for the same.

In Kashmir University Students with disabilities were not getting access to buildings and library books. In 2006 our organization started initiative of celebrating world Disability day in the University of Kashmir. Then Dean Student's welfare cooperated well with our organization and allowed to celebrate the international disability day on 3rd December 2006. All the students with disabilities joined the programme. A demand list was presented to then Vice chancellor including provision of Ramps on important entry points, fee concession, provision of scholarships and access to books in the Allama Iqbal Library. The Vice chancellor of Kashmir University agreed with demands and on immediate basis 6 Ramps were constructed at the important entry points later on more ramps were constructed at the entry points of Administrative building, Examination building and departments in which persons with disabilities were enrolled. Provision of Special scholarships was started and the benefit of scholarships is on. In addition 50% concession is given to students with disabilities in Library fee and 100% fee concession in all examinations, excluding entrances. Earlier University of Kashmir was not serving reservations in distance mode of education but after sensitizing university authorities and perusing the matter continuously, Director Distance Education recommended admission to B. Ed and M. Ed programmes at first instance and from last one year complete reservation policy has been adopted by Distance Education department in all existing courses. Hundreds of youth with disabilities took benefit from the department by getting enrolled in different courses. A special cell was created by then Vice chancellor in 2008 and coordinator and counsellor posts were allotted to educated disabled youth. The special cell has been motivating youth with disabilities to seek admissions in higher education courses and get linked to various scholarship programmes through National Handicapped Finance Development Corporation and Minorities scholarship programmes. 

The persons who lost their vital limbs by electrocution during the maintenance of electricity in the power development department of J&K state were neither given compensation nor put on light jobs on grounds that they were working on casual or need basis in the department. The issue was highlighted number of times in newspapers and taken up with power development department. A number of representations were made to Honourable Chief Minister, Commissioner Power Department but nothing happened. Finally our organizations met His Excellency the Governor of Jammu and Kashmir and narrated the miseries of families of the line men whose arms or legs were amputated. Understanding the pathetic condition of the persons with amputations His Excellency took the serious cognizance of the matter and took up the matter with Hon'ble CM of our state. The Chief Minister ordered the commissioner power to formulate the compensation and light job policy for the disable persons in the department. Finally cabinet approved the policy and the disable linemen are now working on billing, distribution and light office jobs. 

Humanity Welfare organization HELPline strongly advocate for barrier free Jammu and Kashmir. As our organization has been operational from Anantnag district, at first instance our organization approached District Development commissioner of the district and sensitized him about the problems faced by Wheel chair users, persons dependent on crutches and persons with blindness in accessing the DC's office. The District Development immediately constructed ramp on the main entry and made all rooms of the 1st floor disable friendly. Continuing the process our organization approached High court of Srinagar and Divisional commissioner Kashmir. In High Court Kashmir and divisional commissioner's office ramps were constructed. Earlier persons with orthopaedic disabilities and persons with blind had been facing problems in accessing the building but now a lot of persons with disabilities visit these offices to peruse their matters.

The biggest achievement was attained by making Raj Bawan in Srinagar disabled friendly. Chairman of our organization approached His Excellency Governor of Jammu and Kashmir to for celebrating Helen Keller Birthday at Raj Bawan Srinagar in 2009, which His Excellency agreed to. Children with disabilities of Zaiba Aapa institute, established by our organization, were taken to Raj - Bawan Srinagar. The children with disabilities faced difficulties in accessing the venue and wash rooms. Realizing the problem chairman of our organization demanded the Governor of J&K to make Raj Bawan disable friendly. His Excellency ordered for renovation of all entry points, construction of special washroom for the disable people and construction of ramp to all the parks available in Raj Bawan. The orders were implemented and whole Raj Bawan is now disabled friendly. 

Our organization established a school, viz Zaiba Aapa institute of Inclusive Education at Bijbehara in Anantnag. Around 4 students with different disabilities were identified in 2008 and a room was taken on rent to start schooling for these children. With the help Braille technique education was imparted to two blind girls. Latter on census of children with disabilities were conducted in Bijbehara tehsil of district Anantnag. In two years of time scores of children with disabilities were enrolled. Indian Navy chief was approached who donated a van to our school. Another vehicle was purchased through J&K bank on loan. Presently 85 students with different disabilities, like blind, Deaf & Dumb, cerebral palsy, Autism and multiple disabilities are enrolled at present. The special educators were hired to impart education to these children. In addition students are given music, Art, I pod and craft trainings. Around twenty two 22 students with minor disabilities were later on enrolled in nearby government schools after proper training to local teachers. Around 124 children with disabilities were taken to District medical Board for grant of disability certificates. Around 65 children with disabilities were supported get railway concession passes and 79 children with disabilities were linked to social welfare department for grant of pension under National disability pension scheme. Around 60 other cases of ISSS pension were submitted in social welfare department and sanctioned in favour of disable persons who did not know about the scheme. A number of camps were organized in collaboration with Composite regional centre Bemina Srinagar for grant of aids and appliances to the deserving disable. Around 190 persons in different age groups were supported through these camps. 35 wheel chair users were taken to Sultanul Arifeen centre for provision of wheel chairs, crutches and callipers. All the expenses for carrying these disable people and for carrying wheel chairs sanctioned to them by the centre were borne by our organization. 21 spinal cord injured were linked to Hope disability centre Ganderbal for provision of wheel chairs and crutches. Various aids and appliances were purchased by our organization and distributed among poor disable students. 

15 free medical camps were organized with different doctors, hospitals and organizations including ophthalmic and Dental checkups for children with disabilities. Free medicines were distributed among the children. Around 200 children with different disabilities were covered in these checkups. 219 children with cleft and palette disabilities were identified and their corrective surgeries were done in collaboration with MAYA Foundation. The project was supported by Deutsche Cleft Kinderhilfe e.V.German Cleft Children's Aid Society.

Our organization conducted a number of Awareness cum sensitization programmes in different Educational institutions, community centres and created awareness about the Rights of persons with disabilities. Various students were motivated to opt for Special Education as optional paper in B. Ed and M. Ed programmes, so that they can deal with disable children in the government schools. Around 200 training programmes organized by SSA and our own organization were attended by our resource persons, blind students, Deaf & Dumb students and practical training were given to teachers of government schools in district Anantnag, Budgam, Kulgam and Pulwama. Almost 4000 teachers were given basic Braille and Sign language training, so that they could create inclusion in government schools. 

In 2011 Census was conducted in throughout the country. There was separate column for the disable person at No. 9 in the census format. Department of Census J&K approached our organization to create sensitization among enumerators, supervisors and master trainers. The chairman of our organization formulated a team for the purpose. Around 500 enumerators, supervisors, trainers and master trainers were sensitized how to identify persons with disabilities in the community during census process. In addition rallies for creating sensitization among common masses were organized in Districts Kulgam, Anantnag, Budgam and Pulwama. 

International World disability day celebration programmes were introduced in Kashmir by our organization. Our organization started the celebration from Kashmir University in 2006 and later on celebrated it in Government College of Education M.A Road Srinagar, Sheri e Kashmir international convocation centre SKICC Srinagar, Dark Bungalow Anantnag and many other places. The rallies are organized since 2006 on the day. Now around different organizations celebrate it throughout Kashmir in all the districts. 

Our organization has been advocating for different disability issues in the state of J&K. one of the burning issue was Job identification for the persons with disabilities. Earlier our state through department of social welfare had issued a government under in 2001 under which jobs were identified for the different types of disabilities. The main flaw in the job identification circular was that less jobs were identified for persons with Blindness both upper and lower limb disabled people. Our organization found that the government order No: SW 62 was replaced by SW 108 in the year 2013. But no changes were made in the order. We agitated before the Hon'ble minister for the social welfare and secretary social welfare. A number of delegations were formulated to take up the matter with Social welfare department. Finally Social welfare minister on eve of world disability day 2013 agreed with our demand and the job identification order was reviewed in presence of 3 disable persons one representing orthopaedic disability, second representing Hearing & Speech disability and third representing seeing disability. All the three were co-opted as members in the committee reviewing the order. The major changes were made in the government circular and it was replaced by SW 147 dated 14/06/2014. Earlier blind and both leg disabled were not given post of teacher but now both can become teachers in any educational institutions including higher secondary, college and university under the defined designations there. In previous orders the persons with disabilities were not allowed to sit in the combined services Exams. Now all types of disabled people including blind, both arm and both leg disable people can compete in JK civil service exams. 

Humanity Welfare organization Help-Line lobbied for the Rights of disable employees. Disable Employee were given conveyance of allowance of Rs 200 per month. It was meagre amount and could not meet the requirements of these employees. The matter was taken with finance minister of J&K and he brought the amendments in the SRO. Conveyance Allowance was raised to Rs 1000/=.SRO 264.-In exercise of the powers, conferred by the proviso to section 124 under notification No: 23 August 2012. Hundreds of employees with disabilities got benefitted with the raise in conveyance allowance 
Employees with disabilities were posted on far off places without considering their disability. Honorary chairman of our organization took the matter with Secretary to government Social welfare Department and explained the pathetic condition of persons with disabilities while travelling to far off places. The Secretary framed a circular No. 2 -SWD of 2014 Dated 19-5 2014, under Subject: Transfer Policy in respect of Physically Challenged Persons. Under this circular all departments in the government were directed to transfer persons with disabilities to the native places so that they can perform their duties without facing hard situations. 

Our organization has been strongly advocating for the barrier free environment in Jammu and Kashmir State. After heavy agitations Social welfare department issued circular. The Circular No. 2. SWD of 2014, Dated 19-06- 2014. The circular says Section 35 of the Jammu and Kashmir Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1998 provide that the Government and the local authorities shall, within the limits of their economic capacity and development provide for: 

a) Ramps in public buildings 
b) Adoption of toilets for wheel chair users; 
c) Braille symbols and auditory signals in elevators or lifts; 
d) Ramps in hospitals, primary health centres and other medical care and rehabilitation institutions.

The implementation of these provisions from time to time were brought to the notices of line departments through medium of various communications for its strict implementation, so that disabled friendly environment is created across the state to meet the obligations as provided in the law/rules governing the field.

All the persons with disabilities can now claim for their access in different departments as per their need.

Through our strong advocacy and social actions Jammu and Kashmir Public Service Commission agreed to give 50% fee concession to candidates with disabilities. All the JKPSC notifications now make mentions in all notifications the posts available for disability category as earlier this practice was not done by JKPSC, it was through our strong advocacy that JKPSC agreed to mention the disability category posts in all its notification with provision of 50% concession in fee.

Up to 2015 there was part time disability Commission functioning in the state catering the grievances of disabled people, but due to its limited mandate its functioning was not so impressive. To make this commission a fully functional working body our organization played a radical role and it was through our strong advocacy and proper lobbying with His Excellency the Governor of J&K state, the disability commission was made a full time functional body in March 2016, during Governor Rule in J&K state, to redress the grievances of disabled people.

Our Country passed the Persons with Disabilities ACT in 1995 which is catering only the physical disability categories only and did not have any business with the mental disabilities but in 1999 Government of India passed National Trust Act in 1999 covering mental disabilities, multiple disabilities, autism and cerebral palsy. In Jammu and Kashmir there was only one act covering physical disabilities till 2016 and had no scope for those having multiple and mental disabilities but under the Governor's rule in Jammu and Kashmir in March 2016 our organization presented a draft bill of State Trust Act to His Excellency the Governor and under his Excellency gave assent to this bill in the name and style of "State Welfare Trust Act in March 2016"

Blind person mostly children were facing challenges in getting the white cans, Braille slates, sports items and other items. Our organization approached National Institute for visually handicapped, Dehradun Uttrakhand. Our organization set up the extension counter of National Institute for empowerment of visually disable persons Dehradun, in our establishment. Now blind person can get every equipment of education and sports available at National level in Kashmir at same rate as available in National institute of visually handicapped in Dehradun. Arounds 600 students with visual disabilities are seeking benefits.

Since 2011 our organization organize games for disable students and invite all schools throughout Kashmir valley where disable students are enrolled. With the support of special Olympic Bharat and Child Rights and You Delhi around 600 children with disabilities participated in various games. The children with mental disabilities who were earlier discriminated to participate in games played a lot of games. Honourable Minsters for sports, Social Welfare and Divisional commissioner Kashmir were chief guests in 2012, 2013 and 2014. A lot of sensitization was created among common masses after watching performance in sports activities by children with disabilities. A team of orthopaedic disable from Kashmir was formulated and send to Delhi for participating in disable cricket. It was for the first time that 16 member disable cricketers played various cricket matches. 

Founder chairman of our organization was volunteer for pulse polio immunization programme since its inception -1995. Later on members of our organization joined the programme as volunteers. The members were deputed to far off places in district Anantnag of J&K state. Since 2000 our organization administers pulse polio drops to those children travelling from place to place with their parents. Our team of volunteers administer anti polio drops at Padshahi Bagh National highway road Bijbehara thus every vehicle is stopped and children in the age group of 0-5 are identified and drops are administered. Almost 20,000 Twenty thousand children have been administered the anti polio drops under pulse polio immunization programme. In addition the children of migrant labourers are also covered under this programme. The aim of joining and supporting the programme is to save new generation from disability caused by the Disease Polio.

Various workshops on modern technology were conducted on modern technology - use of Daisy player, JAWS software, soft books, online accessible library, assistive devices like not checker, liquid leveller, needle threader, smart cane etc. Around 100 children with blindness were benefited.

In addition the individual cases of persons with disabilities are being pleaded for grant of employment, social security, loan grants and scholarships cases for the dependents of persons with disabilities. In addition the cases of provision of aids and appliances, pleading cases of persons with disabilities in Human Rights Commissions, Courts and other Disability forums have beniffited a lot of persons with disabilities. Around 1200 persons with disabilities were benefitted.

Our organisation advocated strongly for provision of scribe for persons facing blindness appearing in combined services exams through J&K Public Service Commission. The commission was not allowing the persons with blindness and severe upper limb disable to appear in competitive exams, despite union public service commission had notified guidelines. Various persons with bilndness were not allowed to sit in the Kashmir civil services exams conducted by JKPSC. our organisation advocated for the same and took matter in notice of the Governor, Chief Minister and Minister for Social Welfare Department J&K. Thus our advocacy gave positive results thus recently NOTIFICATION NO. 44 OF PSC (DR) 2017, DATED: 04.08.2017.

In 2017 the organisation in collaboration with Action Aid India supported by Unicef worked on a project Entitled "Child Friendly Spaces" Ensuring Community based protection and participation of children where he/she can be intervened in his/her own community and family settings in Kashmir. The project aims to provide children with protected environments in the form of child friendly spaces where they participate in organized activities to play, socialize, learn and express themselves. The main objective of the Project is enhancing the understanding and engagement of parents and community leaders towards child rights and enabling Child friendly Spaces in Kashmir. Also the project aims at creating a low cost sustainable model that can be replicated across the globe.

In the intervening areas of Pulwama and Anantnag, we had established all the 40 CFS centers as per the target in the proposal. Out of 40, we are currently running 10 CFS in Pulwama comprising of 2 clusters and 30 in Anantang comprising of 6 clusters. The basic purpose to run these CFS centers is to create a safe, child friendly and stimulating environment for children in highly volatile and communities hit by violence in one way or the other way.

The whole process of selecting the communities and process of established the CFS centers had been mentioned in previous reports. Currently, total children catered in all the 40 Community based CFS centers are 2243 out of which boys are 1155 and girls are 1088. In these CFS centers children in all age groups got a platform for the expression of talents and through CFS their individuality have been recognized irrespective of any discrimination. Every child in the Community belonging to any caste/religion was encouraged to join CFS and enjoy his/her childhood to the fullest. CFS in these communities is providing a free space for the children to share ideas, problems, and feel safe from the everyday violence and terror in their communities. CFS in these communities is mobilizing the community around the children wellbeing and protection in the realization of Child rights.

Daily Routine:-

Community Based CFS is functional for 3 days in a week. The days were selected in consultation with children as per their feasibility.  Children visit the CFS centers after coming from regular school and remain in centers for 2 hours per day. In CFS, they first start the session with moral education, then the animator is doing some play for peace activities, indoor and outdoor sessions. CFS also engages community by meeting with parents and Village level committee once in month. In these meetings, discussion took place regarding the purpose of CFS, awareness about child rights, social evils and children issues and how to address such social evils. Apart from this, whatever the children learnt in CFS, they share the same activities with other children in school where they are enrolled, in this way, children also plays an important role to cater more and more children in such a conflict ridden society. After interacting with children in CFS, we got to know that they are being encouraged by the school teachers when they engage other children in school in lunch break for play for peace.  According to children feedback, CFS provided them a platform to play and work jointly and a sense of togetherness in which everyone participates, which in school they are not being provided such a plate form.  Children in CFS got an opportunity to interact with other children of the community in which they live and made more friends. Children in some CFS want that CFS should be open all the 7 days in a week and some sort of educational support in the form of remedial should be provided.

Our vision:  We are totally committed to working in partnership with people with disabilities, their families, government organizations, non-governmental organizations and the community as a whole, in order to promote the inclusion of persons with disabilities into society, and to enable them to achieve their full potential for Equal opportunities and full participation.

Our Mission Our Mission is to provide relevant and quality services to persons with primarily physical disabilities and to the community as a whole, including services that:

  • Promote and protect the interests and well-being of persons with physical disabilities.
  • To seek accessible environment for persons with disabilities in all the infrastructure in order to ensure their life with dignity and security.
  • Take High level efforts to ensure all information sources (websites) become Disable friendly.
  • To work for the complete inclusion of persons with disabilities, into mainstream society.
  • To seek complete medical, Educational, Economic & Social Rehabilitation of persons with disabilities.
  • To take efforts for Peace, universal brotherhood and Communal harmony, so that man made Disabilities are minimized to a maximum extent.
  • To take efforts to built capacities of persons with disabilities so that the disable persons participate at equal levels with non disable persons.
  • Prevent the occurrence of disabling conditions.
  • Remove physical, legal and psycho-social barriers and foster non-disabled/disabled relationships to make it possible for persons with physical disabilities to live independently and to participate fully in their communities

Our Values

  • Accountability
  • Commitment
  • Professionalism
  • Dedication
  • Integrity
  • Initiative
  • Mutual respect
  • Teamwork

Organizational Profile

No. Particulars Detailed Information
1 Name of the Organisation Humanity Welfare Organisation HELPLINE
2 Type of Organisation Registered Society
3 Contact Address Eid Gah Road NH1A Bijbehara Anantnag


4 Website: www.humanitywelfarehelpline.org
5 E-mail: jsocialactivist@gmail.com
6 Contact Person Aadil Rashid Vaid
7 Date of Establishment 21-10-2003
8 Registration number, date of registration and relevant registration authority. 4346-s-2003
Registrar of Societies
9 Date of latest renewal 04-06-2016
10 PAN registration number AAAAH8706R
80 G >CIT/J&K/2010-11-1314
12 AA IT/J&K/JMU/06-07-4634
NGO Darpan JK/2010/0029655
FCRA 152610005
PF Registration Number Under Process
11 Main areas of Specialization
  • Education & Rehabilitation for Children with Disabilities
  • Health care & Women Empowerment
  • Protection and Promotion of Child Rights and their Development by carrying Awareness Programs with Stake Holders and Children.
  • Running CHILDLINE 1098
  • Relief & Rehabilitation Work During Disasters
  • Livelihood for Persons with Disabilities
  • Awareness
12 Geographical Coverage/District and Working District We are currently working in all 4  districts of Kashmir Valley ( South Kashmir)

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